Topper’s Marks: Highest Marks Obtained in Physical Sciences

Dear NET Aspirants, Recently CSIR HRD Group has declared the Results of the NET-JRF Exam held in June 2014. Along with the results, the cut off for different subjects has also been declared category wise. You can access this information Here.

Toppers Score PS-JRF

A little later Marks Statements was also made available which you can get through this Link. So, here we are presenting the highest Marks that were obtained by a candidate of Physics or Physical Sciences.

The topper of Physical Sciences in June 2014 NET-JRF Exam is Swati Chaudhari with 1st Rank for Junior Research fellowship.

She got a total of 123.01 Marks

Sec A: 25

Sec B: 54.26

Sec C: 43.75

Toppers Score PS-LS

Amandeep Singh topped the Physical Sciences exam for Lectureship. He obtained a total of 118.52 Marks with record 52.50 marks in Part C.

Congratulations to both Swati and Amandeep for securing the top position in June 2014 NET-JRF Exam for Physical Sciences.

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